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pda55pda55 Membre Messages: 13
my name is Andrew, networks are my hobby now but work in the past. I found this forum looking for a solution to the problem and set up an account by the way. Excuse me because I don't know French but I like France, visited Paris several times, castles on the Loire and have had good memories. If can help with the Polish, Silesian or Russian issue, there is no problem, technically B315, B525, B618, B715 are my good friends ;)


  • MavrikMavrik Membre Messages: 1469
    Welcome on board

    Feel free here
  • pda55pda55 Membre Messages: 13
    Thanks, I had a feeling about yesterday, ManCity - Hotspur was one of the best matches of 2019.
  • ludovickludovick Membre Messages: 8188
    Welcome :)

    And, most importantly, using the forum search, almost all questions have already been answered.
    For a question, thank you for creating another post.
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